Sunday, November 2, 2014

30 Days of Thankfulness...and finding JOY

Somehow the first day of November vanished...or did we just skip right over the first and dive right into the second day? Well, anyhow..somehow or another, I have missed it, perhaps by being consumed in daily tasks, such as the pile of laundry imitating Mt. Everest, or the many photo sessions I have been trying to quickly catch up on, or the three boys who were beyond excited to run around in disguises and possess owner ship of an excessive amount of candy on Halloween. I look forward to November and have now, for many years associated this month with the reminder of all the blessings in my life that I should be thankful for. In an attempt to record the things that are bringing me joy in my heart this year, I hope to share my daily thank fulls with you, blogger world and seeing as I am still pondering how I could so easily miss the first day of this month, I will go ahead and talk about two things that I am very much thankful for:

Day 1 of Thankfulness:

Yesterday, I was thankful for the opportunities that I, from time to time, am given to be alone with God. Just to talk to God, to meditate on the things that are in my heart, on my mind, and knowing that he is listening, knowing that he is concerned and knowing that if I am quiet and listen, He will supply my heart with the answers. Maybe not right away, but in His perfect timing.
 My boys spent the day with their granny and my husband spent the day working with his dad on the farm, so I was left at the house alone, to do whatever it was that my heart desired and my heart desired to talk to God. I have been particularly mindful of the fact that as of late, I have had such a negative attitude toward certain circumstances that we have been faced with...I feel God wants me to find more joy in the things in my life. Even the bad, or not so pretty things. I have realized that all things good AND bad in my life are all a part of God's plan for me. I don't understand it and I may very well not like some of it, but I am trusting that He knows what is best for me. In high school I clung to this verse, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11
I clung to this verse because I knew what it meant. It means that God knows the plan, and we can rest assure that even when we don't have a full understanding of the things that he places in our lives, we know that it is for the good of those who love Him. He isn't out to harm us or to bring us misery, he's out to bring us prosper, give us Hope and a future! My hope is in Him for the future I know is at my best interest. I trust my God and I am finding it easier to find JOY in all things at all times because of this said truth. Another verse that I love and cling to is Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. IN all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path." 
This tells me that my understanding is not capable of being compared to God's understanding, in my circumstance and that if I TRUST Him and acknowledge Him in everything he will direct me to where I need to go. The mere fact that we don't always even have to understand it all, as long as we have faith that He knows what is best for us. Gosh, my heart rests assured in knowing this..

Day 2 of Thankfulness:

I am thankful for my husband. As cliche as it sounds; you've probably heard this a thousand times, but I am! I am thankful for such a wonderful man. We haven't been married very long, but our marriage is strong, our relationship is solid and I find comfort in knowing that I am secure with him. I am his best friend and he is mine. I am finding it so fortunate that I get to be his "help mate!" That we have such a strong connection and are in this battle of life together; side by side, on the same team, on the same page. He is my one in a trillion. He is my home and safe place. I love his faithfulness and commitment to me and I am THANKFUL that God allowed us to find one another.

I love taking time out of each day to really ponder on what my heart is thankful for. It makes me realize that I might take some of the things that I take notice in at the moment, for granted throughout the rest of the year. 

What are you thankful for?

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