Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Because it's not every day you turn 5 + March 10 on 10

March 3 at 3:31 pm you turned 5 years old and no matter how many times I run this across my mind, it just doesn't seem possible.
I love your laugh, your cute heart breaking grin that stretches across your entire face from ear to ear. Those big forget me not blue eyes.
I can't even get mad that your eyelashes are way longer than mine. I love your tender hearted-ness and I know you are always going to have a sensitive soul.
I love our morning cuddles and conversations and how you are just becoming so independent. 
You're about to become a big brother after being the fend-for-yourself little brother for five years now, but...you'll always be my baby, my little Ash, my morning coffee + chocolate milk date.
Happy birthday to my sweet boy!

Now for a little March 10 on 10 + a few more to boot...

just a quick photo shoot of my love and I as we ventured out in the snow for a quick grocery run

A morning with Him, learning of His word, seeking His truth..

cuddles and footsie with a cute little five year old

My sweet Ryder about to lose his SECOND front tooth, making him "toofless"

Oatmeal cookies and reading

My precious nephew, Liam looking adorable as EVER..

Ready and waiting for Austin. Bags and suitcase is packed and now to just hold this sweet baby of mine in my arms, finally!

Morning before church and my heart skipped a beat after witnessing this moment. There's nothing that brings me more joy than seeing my little guy look up to that big guy there...

Looking so adorable on a day outing with mom

A little Mom's eye view of the birth day boy's place setting

Looking forward to many moments the rest of this month...many of which being the birth of my fourth son, the arrival of Spring, March lillies, and being off work for 12 weeks!!

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