Friday, January 8, 2016

Of Pancakes and Prayers

The boys and I are full of pancakes and prayers this morning as we cuddle up during reading time on the couch and watch through the front door, the soft rain float down. The sun is still shining and glistening on all the hundreds of little drops in the air, making them look like crystals falling from the sky.

I always feel thankful for a rainy day here and there because I have found that it puts a force in me to stay home in my pajamas and slippers, drink that second cup of coffee and put off the errands. There are always days needed where we could stay home and enjoy the quality time of one another.

I look back to when the big boys were just little boys and how we lived precariously day to day, enjoying this or that. We had no agenda, just the whim of whatever the day brought to us. My, how I miss those days! Now there is school, basketball games, playdates etc. I don't mind and I love this aspect of mothering, but I often do miss those days where all is quiet and calm. 

My husband often jokes that he feels he's lived several different lives. I don't really think it feels so much as different lives as it does seasons. This is a new season for me, but I am immensely enjoying it. I feel really good, I feel really thankful. Last year was a year of questions, concerns and unanswered prayers, but in time; His perfect time, those prayers were answered, God saw us to a place that He knew would be best for us, those concerns were left in the dust of our faith in Him and our questions were all answered with His divine answers. 

My husband is away in Iowa for 12 days and the boys have their first basketball game this Saturday. Austin has four teeth now, going on seven and I have been quietly sneaking into my happy place every evening crafting and sewing and working on a few secret sister projects at church. My heart right now is in Iowa, but I am so thankful to God for giving me this is definitely good!

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